20 Character Recitals For Younger Performers


20 Character Recitals For Younger Performers


Title: 20 Character Recitals For Younger Performers
Author: Warwick, Valerie and Richards, Stephen
Price: $39.00

Boys and girls will have great fun taking on the various roles that run for approximately 3 minutes. The Mighty Mackenzie, A Witch with a Secret, Pete and the Flying Pineapple, Dressing Up, The Horseback Rider, No Fun being a Brother, Mrs Candy, The Dreamer, The Tightrope Walker, Fairies in my Garden, Im a Nomenclaturist, The Real Speed Ace, Bye, Bye Butterfly, Assistant Vet for the Day, Old Father/Mother Time, The Clown, Occupation Policemen, Possum Peach, Im just a Typical Boy and The Vain Fairy. The Character Recitals are ideal for eisteddfods, examinations, concerts and as program fillers.

Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9780957980044
Publishing status: AU In Distributor In BN


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