Title: Book of Everything
Author: Tulloch, Richard
Price: $24.99
Thomas is nine and hes started writing a book. His father says all important books are about God. Even so, Thomas writes down all the interesting things he sees that other people seem to ignore: tropical fish in the canal, a deluge of frogs, the Son of God popping in for a chat... He also writes down his greatest determination: When I grow up, Im going to be happy. Featuring Jesus, the angels, the Bottombiter, the startling Mrs Van Amersfoort and a beautiful girl with a leather leg, this is a totally magical story about a child learning to act when faced with fear and wrong.
Publication date: 01/04/2010
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780868199337
Publishing status: AU Dropshipping
Additional information
Dimensions | 137 × 210 mm |
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