Title: Carol Raye
Author: Senczuk, John
Price: $39.95
She is a 16 year old Miss Kathleen Corkrey, who is studying hard for a stage career. If her ingenuous charm and natural vivacity does not disappear with sophistication she should go far. - Portsmouth Evening News, 1938: I think I?ve discovered a future star in Carol Raye, who sings and dances just about as well as any leading lady we have on the musical comedy stage. - Writer and producer, Stanley Lupino, 1939: Anyone who watched Carol on TV will always remember her as gorgeous, classy and witty. But she was equally successful working as a female executive behind the scenes, in an era when few women were allowed to do so ? her body of work will always endure. - TV and film historian, Andrew Mercado: In terms of political satire in Australia, The Wharf Revue must surely be the love child of Phillip Street and Mavis Bramston. - Jonathon Biggins
ISBN: 9781922952653
Publishing status: AU In-stock Distributor
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