Title: Engaging Students in Drama
Author: Ron Thomas
Price: $31.95
So you’ve ‘got Drama!’
Well no matter whether you teach in a black–box portable or a fully fitted out theatre, this book can help. Hundreds of tried and tested ideas – some severely tested – are ready for immediate implementation in the classroom.
Flexible enough to be adapted for years 6 to 11, the ideas and activities address the requirements of the Australian Curriculum but also make it fun. Multitudes of links to resources are included.
So you are ‘doing the Production’ too! The book also includes all the lessons learnt by the author through the 'blood, sweat and tears of 20 years school productions’!
Ron Thomas has taught and produced drama in secondary schools for over 20 years. He is currently conducting drama workshops for teachers.
ISBN: 9781921586958
Publishing status: AU In-stock Distributor
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