Lighten Up


Lighten Up

Available on back-order


Title: Lighten Up
Author: Brown, Nicholas & McCool, Sam
Price: $24.99

Bollywood comes to Griffin -- sort of.

In Australia, we like em blonde and bronzed. In India, its fair and lovely. What happens if youre stuck in between?

John Green is an Anglo-Indian Australian actor who dreams of being cast in his favourite soap, Bondi Parade. The problem is, his coloured contacts cant hide the fact that his skin is more brown than white. Meanwhile, his skin bleaching mum, Bronwyn, is adamant that he should be procreating with a blonde, white Aussie woman to rid the family of any sign of their ethnic heritage. You guess who he falls in love with.

This very funny play by actor (and Bollywood leading-man) Nicholas Brown and comedian Sam McCool tells a universal tale of identity, cultural assimilation and bleaching your bits.

Cast : 9F, 7M, 5U, doubling possible

Publication date: 01/12/2016
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781760620288
Publishing status: AU Dropshipping in stock


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