Process of Drama – Negotiating Art and Meaning
Process of Drama – Negotiating Art and Meaning
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Title: Process of Drama - Negotiating Art and Meaning
Author: O'Toole, John
Price: $60.99
The Process of Drama provides a unique model of the elements of drama in context and explains thow these are negotiated to produce dramatic art. Unlike most texts in the field, The Process of Drama does not start and finish with the audience, nor with the playwright, director and actors. Instead it views the dramatic event as a whole, and investigates the experiences of all the participants, and their roles in the creation of the work. Illustrated with scores of examples from both improvised and scripted forms, and addressing drama created in the classroom as well as the theatre, The Process of Drama is the most comprehensive and rigorous analysis available of the dramatic process.
Publication date: 22/10/1992
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780415082440
Publishing status: AU POD in BN
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