Title: A Very Jewish Christmas Carol
Author: Elise Esther Hearst with Phillip Kavanagh
Price: $24.99
Local baker Ely is not letting anything get in the way of fulfilling customer demand for her Bubi’s famous Polish gingerbread. Not her family’s impending Chrismukkah celebrations; not the imminent birth of her child; and certainly not the ghosts who’ve suddenly shown up in her kitchen. But the Rein-Dybbuck of Chrismukkah Past, Gingerbread Golem and Lilith Claus have other ideas…
Drawn from the writers’ own backgrounds, A Very Jewish Christmas Carol is a celebration of life—with a sprinkle of time-travelling ghosts, overbearing relatives and a life lesson or two.
ISBN: 9781760628246
Publishing status: AU Dropshipping
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